
Hi! I'm Ted Reed (he/they) and this is my mostly-blog.

I'm sort of a multiclass programmer/sysadmin/network engineer. Much of my career has been spent working with infrastructure and tooling. I've also picked up some amount of frontend in recent years.

This site is also available via Gemini at gemini://treed.dev.

If you'd like to contact me, I have a page with my contact information.

Recent Posts

The How And Why Of Gemini

If you read my re-introduction post (or looked at the main page), then you’ll have noticed that I mentioned making this site available via Gemini. This post is to explain why I did this, and also how I made it work with Hugo.

Continue reading The How And Why Of Gemini


I started this blog a bit over a decade ago. About five years later, I did a sort of “soft” reboot.

The time has come for yet another reboot, this time a bit more thorough.

Continue reading Re-Reboot


This site is generated using Hugo and hosted by Sourcehut.

The theme I created myself, with colors taken from Protesilaos Stavrou's excellent Modus themes. I borrowed their colors to make it easier for myself to support both light and dark modes with consistent coloring and contrast.